Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Monday, April 20, 2015
The Last Email Before I Come Home!
April 20, 2015
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I'm packing my bags and getting ready to handcart it home. |
Well, this will probably the last
email before...DUN DUN DUNNN! My funeral! Hahahaha, as it is called.
I liked all of those adjectives, Mom.
I'm not gonna lie I am pretty joyful, too! "I'm just jazzed about being on
the show, man!"
Heavenly Father has been so good to
Today, on my last P-Day, my companion
and I will go shopping. Probably Elder Knudson and I as well. (We live in the
same house). Yeah, I can look up those items for you. Yes, I've had just about
all of them! :) Tell Brother Jenkins that they recently released a
"Guaraná Black" that's infused with açaí! It's dang good, not gonna
Thanks! I'll use that to prepare for
my talk.
Hahahaha! Yeah, I'll show you the
shoes when I get home. But the shirts I'll probably leave there. My suit has
lasted because, well, I haven't used it that much.
Thanks for sending that talk. I read
part of it at Flavia's house after we ate lunch.
I'll share more when I get home, but
just to give you a taste, here are some things I learned on my mission:
Truth coming out of
the Earth.
We must do the will
of the Lord.
We must never seek
the honors of men.
Charity NEVER
Sometimes it's okay
to not be perfect.
Trees From Troy,
Talent from Boney,
Alvin's dog with
the mixed eyes.
Gabby's faith.
Trainings from
Elder Holbrook.
Laughs with Elder
Sister McKay
inviting Sister Harris to be baptized.
Bleeding knuckles,
so I decided to start knocking doors with a golf ball.
Drives with Bishop.
Lessons from
President Bell.
Even after all this
time, I reflect on Kansas.
Growth amidst the
President Steveson
once told me, "The Lord isn't as concerned about your geography as He is
about the direction in which you are heading."
That was something
that kept popping up throughout my mission.
And from President
Wilder, "Your mission is not about you, but a part of it is determined by
your unique influence.
Don't forget to be Austin as well as Élder Weaver."
Jarbes and his
attentive questions during the lessons.
The kids, just like
2 girls and one
and later the
parents were baptized, too.
And He received the
Melchizedek Priesthood.
I am not bragging,
I am just so glad that the Lord saw fit to include me in this process.
Imperfect as I am,
like Dad letting me
hold the flashlight as he did the heavy lifting,
Heavenly Father let
me "hold the flashlight" so to speak,
as I served His
and He did the
heavy lifting.
Or perhaps going to
Vitória with Elder R. Silva and the good feeling we got after.
Then there was also
Elder Sewell and
his timeless advice.
Hugs from tall
Elder Stilson.
Guys, of all these
things that have happened,
I feel perhaps the
most changed by my mission.
Here, pretty soon I'll be "On My
Way Back Home" I'll grab the first plane home (Imogen Heap reference).
'Cause I'm leaving...LEAVIN'! Onna Midnight Plane To Georgia! Hahahahaha!
I feel like David Tennant when he
morphed into Matt Smith going from Doctor 10 to 11, "I DON'T WANT TO
GO!" Well, I do want to see you all, very much. But, eu sei que a saudade
vai bater forte.
I Love You More than Mint Oreos, I
Love You More Than The Doctor Loves The Tardis, and I Love You More Than I Love
"And of all these things I've
done, I will Love You better now!" "Lego House" by Ed Sheeran
And I will Love My Heavenly Father
better now!
When Adventure's Lost Its
Meaning...I'll Be Homeward Bound In Time.
(The Mormon Tabernacle Choir)
Your Son, Brother, Nephew, Cousin, Trustworthy
Servant and Faithful Friend,
Élder Weaver
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Guys, I Had A Super Sweet Experience
April 13, 2015
Oh Família & Friends,
Mission President Letter
Afonso e Marcos Vinícius vão ser
batizados dia 19! Também Jaqueline e Marcilene tem datas marcadas por dia 26.
Vamos esforçar o máximo possível fazer nossa parte. Obrigado por tudo.
Google Translation
Afonso and Marcos Vinicius will be
baptized 19! Also Jaqueline and Marcilene has scheduled dates by day 26. We
will strive as much as possible to do our part. Thanks for everything.
Hahaha, no not exactly there's more
to tell you! But how did he send it?! Was it in the mail or email? You guys
know me; I don't like talking about myself.
Guys. I had a super sweet experience.
I was sitting in my room, studying, and I listened to some talks I had missed
from the Conference. I listened to the smooth voice of our beloved prophet and
he shared an experience of a full-time missionary that although he may have
been speaking of someone else, I felt that he was speaking exactly and directly
to me. I Love How The Spirit Works! :) It was during his talk on Temples.
I am glad y'all had a good time!
There will be a lot for me to catch
up on. I thought of the song "Lead, Kindly Light" when it says,
"Those angel faces smile, whom I have Loved, long since and lost a
Well, Elder Holbrook is probably
getting ready to go back to Utah State? I think it is. The Aggies. And Elder
Branco sent me some pictures of him and his fiançé. And Elder Chun will come
home just about one transfer after me.
No, I have not been to a hospital
here, which is a big blessing from our Heavenly Father!
The work is going good. We decided to
work closer to the chapel to bring more people to church. I tried sending
pictures last week, but it didn't work! I'll try again, though.
Thanks! Sounds good, I look forward
to receiving my new speaking assignment.
I wish I could send more, but I just
want all of you to know I Love you.
Heavenly Father really does want the
best for us.
Élder Weaver
Monday, April 6, 2015
Conference Was Sweet!
April 6, 2015
Dear Family & Friends,
Mission President Letter
Elder Couto e eu somos muitos gratos
trabalhar aqui! Essa semana a gente achou um abrigo com bastante jovens com
potencial serem batizados. Um já tem data, Afonso, e os outros vamos continuar
ensinar e ajudar. Obrigado por tudo.
Google Translation
Elder Couto and I are many grateful
to work here! This week we found a shelter with very young people with
potential to be baptized. Have a date, Afonso, and the other will continue to
teach and help. Thank you for everything.
Conference was sweet! We missed a few
talks, but what we saw was awesome! We brought some kids from the orphanage,
and the YM President is thinking about adopting one of them. They talked so much about MARRIAGE!!!
Hahahahaha. I came to Conference with a few personal questions of things I want
to improve in my life and they were all answered.
Woah. Sounds like a hassle! Hahaha.
Thanks for going through all of the trouble. I will decide all of this stuff
when I get home, but I will for sure be there to get Ashley. So, I'll be a freshman
taking junior classes?? Cool! I'll talk with student counselor to get this all
straightened out when I get home, haha.
YESSS! Tradition...TRADITION!!!
Overacting is the best! Speaking of old movies I wanna watch Casablanca in Portuguese
when I get back to practice up my foreign tongue. I still need to watch Ben-Hur
all of the way through as well.
I am glad you will get to be with
friends again!
"But then she said she can't
believe...That genius only comes along in storms of fabled foreign tongues...Dripping
eyes and flooded lungs. Northern Downpour sends its Love!"
Also, I've been having crazy dreams.
I had a dream the other night that I was back home but I couldn't be released
for another week because President Wilder was on vacation!! Hahahaha! :)
As for the looking tired, I will give
you the full scoop when I get home, To be honest I am very tired, but that is
only because I want there to be nothing left when I get home. I want to give it
all that I can muster. I want to finish the race with nothing undone. But there
is nothing to worry about. I promise everything will be all right. I am eating
well. The members are nice here. Today our Ward Mission Leader will show us
around town perhaps to look at the beach (but not to go in it) hahaha. We got
permission from President to leave our area. Should be cool!
The tall one? That would be Elder
Stilson. I am not sure how many feet but he is more than 2 meters tall!!!
Yes, it is cooler here. I Love RIO I
know it's not the city, but the state seems really well organized.
Hahaha, thanks Mom. To be honest we
wing it a lot of the time! I think I've given about 5 talks throughout my
mission. The ole shoot from the hip!
I still have to listen to President
Monson's talk, but I downloaded it. I loved President Packer's talk on "A
kiss and a cookie!" It was nice to watch conference this time and
understand just about everything that was said in Portuguese. I cried when
Sister Burton showed the photos of the Prophets and their spouses.
Thanks for the quotes from President
Monson and Mother Teresa. I was reminded of this passage in The Book of Mormon:
3Nephi 18:24 "Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up--that which ye have seen me do. Behold ye see that I have prayed unto the Father, and ye all have witnessed."
3Nephi 18:24 "Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up--that which ye have seen me do. Behold ye see that I have prayed unto the Father, and ye all have witnessed."
He is the light we are to hold up.
I'll eat more Cacau Show!
Élder Weaver
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
It Was A Miracle To Baptize Robson
March 30, 2015
Dear Family & Friends,
Mission President Letter
Foi um milagre batizar Robson. Ele
tem esquizofrenia e outras problemas mentais, mas ele seguiu o exemplo de Jesus
Cristo. Ele tem dificuldades na vida dele mas o batismo vai continuar ajudar
ele bastante. A gente vai continuar trabalhar com novos pessoas para trazer
eles às águas do batismo.
Google Translation
It was a miracle to baptize Robson.
He has schizophrenia and other mental problems, but he followed the example of
Jesus Christ. He has difficulties in his life but baptism will continue to help
him enough. We will continue to work with new people to bring them to the
waters of baptism.
DUUDES! Yeah, chocolate here is half
off! Holla! Also, there is a brand called "Cacau Show" here it is
sooooooooo gooooood. I'll try and bring some home! It says there's alcohol in it,
which might be why it is so gooooood????????? But my ward mission leader says
it's not against the word of wisdom, I guess......??? Maybe it's just like the
alcohol that's in vanilla or something....??? Hahahahaha!
Thanks for all of that stuff! Maybe
Jury Duty will help me decide if I want to be a lawyer or not?? Also, thanks for doing that BYU-I
stuff. Also, could you do me a favor? A few
emails ago, I think you said I could also apply for summer term at BYU Provo.
Could you try and do that for me?? I don't know if it's still possible. But I
would like it if you could look into that option for me!! THANK YOU!!! :) !!!!!
Sure I'll send pictures. Ummm whitey
companion?? You mean Americans? Yes, the only time was with Elder Reinhardt,
but Elder Branco (as his name suggests) and Elder Couto are both pretty white,
but Brazilian. Guys I have to's really weird. I like speaking
Portuguese and stuff now.
Yes this is exactly what I needed!!!
Thanks. The fan chart helps. But I mostly needed it updated on FamilySearch
because I have access to it here. I'll show you my "Minha Família"
pamphlet when I get home, it's pretty sweet!!
I am so glad Allison loves her job.
Working taught me to Love other people. I loved my job at the hospital. At the
time I might have thought it was hard but looking back, it was wonderful. I am
glad Allison get's to do something she is really good at.
I hope the Prophets get better. I am
excited for my last Conference in Brasil. It is touching, but I am going to
General Conference with some specific questions in mind, that I hope to receive
answers to.
I wish Bishop luck, and I accept!
However, I probably won't remember how to drive when I get's been so
long, haha. Dad will have to give me another crash course.
I love Bishop and sustain him. I wear
my blue tie he gave me whenever I am missing him or home or Oregon. He taught
me a lot during our little time together. I am glad DAD and brother Kahn gets
to be part of the Creekside Ward.
Guys, I saw something really sweet
here in the Turf Ward the other day. They gave training on Home and Visiting
teaching, but they gave it in the form of a skit. It was so well done. They
showed members acting out what church is actually like sometimes and showed
ways we can improve. They showed a class being taught on how we need to make
our visits and it showed two people texting and taking selfies during the
lesson. Then afterward they showed how it should actually be. It was really
well-done and to the point. They also sang a few hymns. I'm not saying you guys
have to do this, but I think it would make for a great Ward Activity. I would
call it, "Have I Done Any Good In My Ward Today?" Someone in Kansas
told me that. She talked about that hymn and how in order to change the world
we have to do some good right at home first. It was really special! :)
I gave a talk this last Sunday. I
talked about who I was before the mission, and how I have completely changed. I
used to prefer to hang out with friends on Friday nights, but now, the only
people I think about other than my investigators and members here are the
members of my family. When I think about my life, I think about them. When I
think about the temple, and heaven, and eternity, I think about my family.
Thank YOU for putting things into
Let me serve you,
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
I Am In Rio de Janeiro!!!
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Some peeps from the Ward. |
March 23, 2015
Dear Family & Friends,
So Robson will probably be baptized
this week and André and Laisa perhaps the following week.
I am in Rio de Janeiro!!! (The state,
not the city.) In a ward called Turf. The members are super cooool. The first
day we got here our Ward Mission Leader, Walter, gave us a ride around town,
and showed us the streets. It is suuuuuuuuper flat. Which is way different from
Espírito Santo. I feel like I am in Kansas again. It is so weird to not have
hills. My companion's name is Elder Couto. He is actually from Colatina.....the
same Colatina where I served. Crazy world, huh? What happened is he was serving
in São Paulo Sul when we got sick and had to come home. President Young talked
with the Area Seventy (Elder CRM Costa) and got him re-assigned to the Vitória
mission for now. I am sort of on a special assignment right now...I"ll
tell you about it at home (you guys must not like it when I say that, sorry,
School. Sure. Do whatever you think
is best. But I do not want to go to Mtn Lofts if the only reason you are
putting me there is Jake and Michael. As much as I Love them, I would like to
go wherever YOU think is best independent of who lives there or not. Also, I
prefer to room with returned missionaries, ones I don't know. But whatever
works. Yes, sure. Do the track thingy, please. Thanks so much.
I appreciate you preparing all of
these things for me.
I'll pray for you. I hope you get a
job in the elementary again. They always like you there.
L. Tom Perry?! That's so cool!
May 10th sounds good. Because the
first Sunday I get home will be Fast and Testimony meeting I think.
YES, MOM! I was actually singing that
song the other day! "It was Captain Kellie in his short-top Wellies in the
middle of summertime! He was looking fine! His pants had holes in the knees he
was proud as ya please with his ole wellies he keep strolling along!...He was
poor but he had style, he made EVERYBODY smile...he wore his ole
he had nothing to lose! Bahahahaha! I forgot about that one. Yeah, Jake showed
it too me.
Yes, I haven't seen it yet, but we
got the pass-along cards in Portuguese already. I'll have to watch meet the Mormons
with you when I get home. I can't wait. I am so glad to be a missionary.
Thanks for that quote. Today, I read
a talk from Elder Richard G. Scott. Said he, "If
you are a young man of appropriate age and are not married, don’t waste time in
idle pursuits. Get on with life and focus on getting married. Don’t just coast
through this period of life. Young men, serve a worthy mission. Then make your
highest priority finding a worthy, eternal companion."
Rapaz! Eu sei o que eu tenho que
fazer quando eu voltar pra casa!
Translation: Boy! I know what I have
to do when I come home!
Élder Weaver
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
I Have Been Transferred!
March 16, 2015
Dear Family & Friends,
I have to be quick, but I will try
and send more later. I have been transferred :( I Love Cariacica! But as Lido
would say, "just one more shot oughta get last time before we
quit it..." Hahahaha. I'll send more pictures, too!
I Love YOU,
Élder Weaver
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Buckle Your Seat Belts Because There Is Even Better Up Ahead!
March 9, 2015
Dear Family & Friends,
Mission President Letter
Essa semana nós achamos Taís, Vera, e
Railane. Também Jarbes e Paulo estavam na Igreja! A gente ajudou Paulo mudar
casa, e ele recebeu nossas visitas. Ele gostou da ideia de profetas modernas e
O Livro de Mórmon. Nós vamos visitar a família de Alex com mais membros para
integrar eles com a ala e ajudar Lorrainy cumprir o compromissos dela. Jarbes
também aceitou nossas visitas também marcado por Terça.
Google Translation
This week we found Thais, Vera, and
Railane. Also Jarbes and Paul were in the Church! We helped Paul move house,
and he received our visits. He liked the idea of modern prophets and the Book
of Mormon. We will visit Alex's family with members to integrate them with the
wing and help Lorrainy fulfill commitments it. Jarbes also accepted our visits
also marked by Tuesday.
Right now it's 3:00 PM. But normally
I email in the morning 10-ish am.
That was so nice of Sister Burrows. I
cannot wait to talk with her and Bro B in Portuguese! That explains my
confusion over the box. I am so glad! :)
BYU-Idaho. I have never had a problem
with it. I've been thinking about it and maybe I could do 2 years at Idaho. Get
a bachelors degree and then after transfer to BYU for a Masters program, which
would take another 2 years...what do you think? I really am not concerned about
the track. If it is easier for you (and Dad, haha) I can go Winter/Spring at
the same time as Allison. Who knows maybe we would even have a class or two
together! :) Yeah, I'd kinda prefer off-campus. (I need my wings!) Also, I want
to know if they accept my Associate's Degree. I hope I really will be a
transfer student. I also thought about that in summer semester, but I want to
see Ashley and the trip and, yeah.
You have no idea how happy I am that
you contacted the Wonderful Kansas Wichita Mission! :) I want you to see
EVERYTHING! I Love President Bell.
Oh, Mother. IF only I could explain
to you everything that has happened within the last 2 years. The mission is a
great school. It's a trial and a test. It shows you the worst and yet, teaches
you the best. I have suffered, snapped, and sickened. And yet, it shall still
be called the best 2 years of my life up to this point.
But buckle your seat belts because
there is even better up ahead! :)
I Love Elder Holbrook, Elder Chun,
and Elder Sewell.
Also, that reminds me, Elder Holbrook
asked if I would have a homecoming? I don't even know what that is, but if I am
to have one, do you know what day? He said that if his Sister's baby has not
arrived yet, he wants to come.
You will need to help me remember to
share the gospel when I get home. I am so glad you like sharing the gospel.
Don't ever let that dim.
I Love you more than mint Oreos. I
Love you more than beans and rice. I Love you more than Lego’s.
Ether 6:4
4 And it came to pass that when they had prepared allmanner of food, that thereby they might subsist upon thewater, and also food for their flocks and herds, andwhatsoever beast or animal or fowl that they should carrywith them—and it came to pass that when they had doneall these things they got aboard of their vessels or barges,and set forth into the sea, commending themselves untothe Lord their God.
Sometimes, after all has been
prepared, we just have to go.
I am preparing a sweet letter for you
guys. I think you'll like it.
I Love You,
Élder Weaver
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